FY06/24 Q3 Presentation Material(JP)
FY06/24 Q3 Financial Results(JP)
[Delayed]FY06/24 Q2 Financial Results(EN)
FY06/24 Q2 Presentation Material(JP)
FY06/24 Q2 Financial Results(JP)
Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Forecast for FY06/24 by Ai Holdings Completes the Purchase of Stake in Iwatsu Electric Co.,Ltd. via Third-Party Share Allocation(JP)
Notice of Establishment of Subsidiary(JP)
Notice Concerning Acquisition of TST Co.,Ltd.(JP)
Notice Concerning Conclusion of Capital and Business Alliance Agreement with Iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd. and Subscription to Capital Increase through Third-party Allocation(JP)
FY06/24 Q1 Presentation Material(JP)