Absolute Commitment

I would like to thank our stakeholders for their continued support of the Ai Holdings Group.
The world today faces a multitude of problems that need to be resolved to realize a sustainable society. These include climate change, the water crisis, depletion of resources, sustainable energy, and human rights issues. As members of society, corporations are called on to further contribute to society by resolving international problems, as laid out in the UN SDGs and the Paris Agreement.
Guided by our corporate philosophy that states, “Everything starts with trust and honesty. We create new value for people and society as a whole,” the Ai Holdings Group has achieved steady earnings growth since listing in 2007 by positioning Security Equipment (mainly surveillance cameras for condominiums) and Peripheral Computer Equipment (mainly cutting machines for businesses and consumers) as the Group’s two main business areas. We have worked to extend “trust” and “honesty,” key elements of our corporate philosophy, to various stakeholders—our customers, business partners, shareholders, and employees. Going forward, we will aspire to further extend our “trust” and “honesty” to the environment and society as a whole, and by working to help resolve social issues, become a corporate group that “creates value acknowledged by people and society.”
In recent years, the Group has expanded its business from Japan to overseas markets and moved into the global arena by further strengthening its dynamic business operation, including through business alliances and M&A. Against this backdrop, we see the need to engage in corporate management from the perspective of ESG, the three areas (environmental, social, and governance) that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. In this way, we hope to address a wide range of problems that are manifested on a global scale.
The Group regards efforts to resolve environmental problems as the most fundamental requirement to realize a sustainable society. We have therefore formulated a groupwide Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Action Plan, and is diligently working to reduce the environmental load of all our business activities. Under the guiding principles of “trust” and “honesty,” we will cherish dialogue with all our stakeholders, and work to strengthen and improve governance, which lies at the heart of our management. At the same time, we will aim to continually enhance our corporate value by promoting management that fully expresses the comprehensive strengths of the holding company, and thus contribute to the sustainable growth of society as a whole.
Hideyoshi Sasaki
Chairman & CEO
Ai Holdings Corporation